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Thoughts & Inspiration

So coming from a Christian home with great parents who taught me a lot about the Bible. I thought I had this Christian life down to where I thought it was pretty good. So I came to Georgia with the expectations that I would grow in God and he would meet me where I thought I was struggling.  Instead he took a lot of things I thought I know about and tore them down to rebuild . A lot of that including community and THE CHURCH. (especially if your living with the same people for 9 months). And off of that here are a few things I learned 


VULNERABILITY and FEEDBACK.   Vulnerability is very important in a tight community like we have because it will build trust ,you will grow closer as a group and as a squad. Along with that is feedback that happens within the group, for us to encourage each other to continue in Gods will.  Its also time for some destructive feedback, which means you see a brother struggling and think he can follow the Lord better if he does something different.

BOUNDARIES and GOSSIP, alone with living in a tight community you have to learn to respect and honor  other peoples boundaries. And well a gossiper will tear a team apart and on the other end half the time it’s just false accusations about other people, and the Bible clearly says it’s wrong in PROVERBS 16:28. A dishonest man spreads strife ,but a whisperer(gossiper) separates close friends..


THE HOLY SPIRIT , is alive and well in your life , if your a believer..I learned how he works in special ways if you are willing to partner with him. And not just looking for him when your in trouble or struggling with something.  But THE HOLY SPIRIT is definitely here among us, healing us,and talking to us in special ways!!

one last amazing update. We are leaving Georgia in 6 days to go to DeQuincy Louisiana to assists with Samaritans Purse in the clean up of hurricane Laura

3 responses to “Rebuilding my heart posture”

  1. Jason, we are so proud of you and the way you are allowing God to totally rebuild your life and your heart. I’m always excited to read or hear about the next update in your journey.may God continue to reveal himself to you and may you find the courage and strength to GO TELL THE WORLD…. love you so much…

  2. Jason, At nearly 50-years-old, God still sometimes tears down things I thought I knew all about so He can rebuild my thoughts, beliefs, behaviors. I’m so grateful He is never finished shaping and molding me. Excited for y’all about your trip to Louisiana; go be the hands and feet of Jesus!
    ~Katie Chandler (Nathan’s Mama)