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What does it mean to be obedience?

Does it not mean to obey,or submit to someone else’s authority?

And to be in authority,  means to make the choices and decisions for someone else.


So to give a little context for the meaning of this blog, it has been something that i feel like God has been trying to teach me more about lately.

So the last two weeks have been spent in the mountains, with just the guys of the squad. Where a lot of the work we did involved carrying, wooden planks, wooden beams,and cinder blocks up a BIG mountain on a skinny goat path. Me personally loved it to the fullest, because i love doing physical hard work, but even in that I’ve been learning and trying to process something that has been pretty hard for me. So my love of doing physical work(and honestly i think I’m pretty good at it), after a activation we had the Thursday before we left, we all sat with God for a while and ask him what he wants us to give up in our life. The answer was not want i wanted to hear, he told me that after the race, I’m not called to go home and just work the job i worked for three years before the race. Which is still very hard to process for me, because it was very comfortable for me to know that i was getting paid, and that would lead me to be able to have a lot of very nice things.


So I was like sweet, you are calling me to be a missionary overseas. But then he said, why do you have to be over seas to be a full time missionary? My response was, you what me to live in the US and not do something I’m good at ,(physical work) and you what me to do something I’m terrified of doing, and try to just talk to random people, to build our kingdom?  Not to mention , that is not something you do all the time in the states, so probably looking like a fool in front of friends and family?

But do i care more about, what my friends and family say, or am i willing to walk in faith and lean on the one person who is in control of everything, GOD.



All that to say, who do you want to be the authority in our life?

Are you going to settle with yourself, so you can always see what will happen, to make sure you don’t get hurt?

Or are you willing to give everything to our FATHER above, who cares even for the birds of the air?

Matthew 6:26 says; Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value then they?    And on top of that just go read the whole chapter of Matthew 6, because its pretty fire.



So my last challenge to y’all, is to ask the Lord what he wants you to change in your life?  Then sit in silence for a little bit, (I would suggest at least 30 min), and write everything down that comes to mind. 

It may not be something you like, but are you WALKING IN OBEDIENCE if you hear something and don’t do it?

4 responses to “Walking in obedience”

  1. Wow Jason! Thanks for the challenge. I’m at a place where I really need to do this right now. God is growing you and changing you to be conformed in the likeness of him. Praise God! It’s so cool isn’t it?

  2. Thanks, Jason, for the reminder to sometimes stop and ask the Lord direct questions…and then walk in obedience. It’s also a good idea to keep my nose in His Word to seek His guidance for my next steps. Thanks for your boldness in sharing.
    ~Nathan’s Mama

  3. YOU SHOULD GO ON WORLD RACE AMERICA when you get back!!!!! Whatever the Lord has….I am thankful you are open to listening and obeying. His plans are always good.

  4. hi! (i’m kori a friend of phil’s from the race!) i felt the Holy Spirit tug on me to scroll through c squads latest blogs and clicked on this one and it’s SO encouraging dude. to see your humble obedience out of your love and devotion to God! yes!!!!